Looking to Build a Website?
In case you didn’t know it, WordPress has become the most popular CMS platform on the Internet.
By-The-Way, if you are new to WordPress, CMS stands for Content Management System.
The big reason users love WordPress is because of how easy it is to setup and because you can use it to make some pretty fantastic websites.
Yes, even you can make a very cool looking blog, or personal or business website.
Which WordPress Theme Should I Choose?
The problem these days is that since there are so many WordPress themes around, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose one. By-The-Way themes are the shells that sit on top of a WordPress installation, they’re what makes them look like regular websites.
Here is a list of three (3) makers of WordPress premium themes that I highly recommend. I have used their themes on my own sites and some of my client’s websites as well. Most of the themes these vendors have created, include some pretty cool features that will simply blow your mind.
InkThemes has been providing quality themes since 2011. They are the makers of some very great specialty themes that work very well for local and small businesses. One of the best features of InkThemes is their “Single-Click” installation process, which let’s you install a complete website and then edit it by deleting and adding pages to the existing installation. I have used the following themes on projects:
I encourage you to visit their site and check out a few demos of their themes!
MyThemeShop has a collection of Free and Premium themes available for instant download. These themes are SEO Ready and are responsive, meaning that they open and look great on computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Some of their themes are used by some of the top websites on the net. I have personally used the Playbook, News Online and Point WordPress themes in a few projects. Here are also, two great MyThemeShop business themes I like:
- Launch Your Business with the WordPress “One-Page Business Theme”
- Need a website? Try the MyThemeShop “Business Theme” for WordPress
WebRiti was started a few years ago but is among one of the most popular makers of free themes (WordPress.org). They make great responsive premium WordPress themes and have excellent support for their themes if you have questions or need help. WebRiti makes themes that are especially designed for Corporate and Business purposes, they have a clean and professional look. All of their premium themes have lots of features such as sliders and customized widgets.
They also have one of the most responsive and knowledgeable support staffs I have ever worked with. Believe it or not, I have had a question about their WordPress themes, sent a support ticket to them and received a response almost instantly. Wow! Now that’s service.
I initially started using their free version of the Wallstreet theme and have since switched to the Wallstreet Pro premium version. The BusiProf and Quality business themes are also, two designs that really stand out for me along with the Wallstreet WordPress Theme.
Free WordPress Themes
Here is a collection of Free WordPress themes which can be downloaded immediately. The best place to find the best free themes will always be the WordPress.org theme directory. The only thing you have to do is not become overwhelmed by the shear amount of themes that are available. I recommend that you try a few of the free versions before buying the pro or premium versions.