Twitter Logo

Twitter Logo

It is no surprise that Social Media use continues to grow year over year.  Twitter is the second largest Social Media network behind only Facebook and is a platform that should be utilized to grow any business.  If you are looking to grow your business online, there are a variety of ways to reach your target audience, and Social Media should always be used as a way to reach and engage your customer base.

Keep the following tips in mind to ensure that 2014 is your biggest year ever, both for your business as well as for your presence on Twitter and other Social Media networks.

Quality Always Wins

Some people that are new to Social Media, think that they should just bombard their followers with all sorts of tweets.  This is absolutely not the way to gain traction for your business through Social Media.  You should first identify who your target market actually is, and create content that is catered to that specific demographic.  If you are not reaching your target market, your followers will quickly become bored with your tweets and may even stop following you.

Short Tweets Perform Better

Studies have shown that tweets that are shorter than 100 characters create almost 20% more engagement than tweets with more than 100 characters.  Therefore, it is important to think through each word of your tweets and utilize URL shortening services such as and to save those precious characters.

Analyze Your Tweets

Using Social Media dashboards such as HootSuite offer a large number of analytics features, many of which are free.  If you use HootSuite’s URL shortening service, you can track how many of your followers are actually clicking on the content that you are providing.  This can help you determine which posts are popular and allow you to see the type of content that is engaging to your followers.

Spend Time Reaching Followers

To maintain a strong Social Media following, it is important to take time to create content that is shareable and not too spammy.  Spend time each day looking at industry specific resources to find stories that your followers will enjoy.  If you are having trouble finding shareable content about your industry, create a blog or online resource as a way to reach your target audience.

Ask for ReTweets

Social Media studies have also shown that users who ask for twitter retweets often get them 10 times as much as those who do not.  If you are publishing a tweet that you really think is memorable, ask your followers for a retweet and you may be surprised at the result. Social Media is not going anywhere, and businesses who do not embrace it will likely be left behind.

Use Social Media to reach and serve your customers as opposed to just talking at them.  An effective Social Media strategy can generate additional business for your company as well as show that you are an authority in your industry.

Image Credit: DevionArt

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